
New Winslow S8E13

Noah woke up slowly. The sunlight was coming in the window, streaking through the purple curtains as he sat up and looked around the otherwise empty bedroom. His head pounded and, for a second, it was a hangover. He must have drank or taken something. Because he’d absolutely lost his mind in Olivia’s living room […]


New Winslow S8E12

Noah felt a little better when he came back down about twenty minutes later. It had been a decent conversation with Roman, even if he’d been reluctant to actually call once he was alone upstairs. “Of fucking course,” Roman had said with a groan when Noah told him that Samuel Alderidge was actually that terrible […]


New Winslow S8E11

 They were all silent as the familiar tapping started up against the window again. Tap…tap…tap… Tap… Tap… And then the glass shattered, spraying into the store. Andrew put up a hand to block his face from the rain of glass shards, then he heard the rest of the remaining windows going too, one after the […]


New Winslow S8E10

Iris wasn’t sure if she was more shocked or afraid to have Olivia in her shop right now. It had been about seventy-two hours since the Limerick building went up in flames. Charles Baxter hadn’t been seen in public since then, not that anyone outside of them truly believed he’d been the one to do […]


New Winslow S8E9

Roman had been at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with Noah, trusting Jamie to have the kids at the Countess. It wasn’t like this was out of the ordinary, Jamie babysat his siblings all the time. But with everything going on, it had taken Roman a long moment this morning to decide that he could be […]


New Winslow S8E8

When Olivia brought the pizzas home, Andrew was the only person there. He was laying on the couch with a heating pad on his chest, reading a book. Before she could stop him, he got up and started helping Mia take her shoes off. “Noah’s out with Roman,” Andrew called in as Olivia brought the […]


New Winslow S8E7

Cleo’s phone rang as she was pulling off of Route Two and onto one of the many wooded back roads of Central Massachusetts, roads that she could never name, but could navigate in her sleep. She turned down her music and answered over the sound of her slapping windshield wipers. “Hello?” There was a pause […]


New Winslow S8E6

It was the pain that woke Andrew. He didn’t remember falling asleep on Liv’s couch, but that was where he woke up, with pain radiating throughout his back. He swallowed a groan as he came back to consciousness, then attempted to shift his body on the couch, but couldn’t stop the sound this time. He […]


New Winslow S8E5

Cleo didn’t get the job. The interviewers didn’t say anything, but they didn’t have to. It was all obvious in the way that the group looked at each other over her resume, a copy of which sat in front of each of them. She sat on the other side of the conference room table, her […]


New Winslow S8E4

Cleo was completely drained as she got back to her empty apartment in Boston that night. She had wanted to stay in New Winslow for the night, but she had a job interview in Boston tomorrow morning and Andrew had insisted she go home for it. He was fine, he’d assured her. Just sore. He’d […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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