
New Winslow S8E33

He’d left before Olivia even asked him to. This time had been different. She’d expected to be shoved back in that tiny space, to watch through a keyhole as Samuel controlled her body like a puppet. But instead, it was like having a copilot. Not fun at all, but she was there beside him, ready […]


New Winslow S8E32

“Bad news,” Andrew called over as Noah and Olivia walked into the store.  Iris looked at them, pinching a tissue over her nose while Celine stood solemnly beside her. “What’s going on?” Noah asked, his hopes that things would go smoothly from here rapidly shrinking. “She tried to channel with Roland and it went horribly.” […]


New Winslow S8E31

“Alright, so how do we make me a one night medium?” It was only a few hours later and they were back in Iris’s shop. Noah was back in the metal folding chair, doing his best not to just get up and leave. Andrew sat beside him while Iris was standing by the counter nearby, […]


New Winslow S8E30

Noah had finally convinced Andrew that he was not going to stay up all night as well. Andrew was still injured, he hadn’t slept for two hours on a magic shop floor earlier that day, and he needed to go to bed. It had been a battle and Noah felt a bit like he did […]


New Winslow S8E29

Noah wasn’t feeling rested by any stretch when they got home, but he did have to admit that two hours of sleep on the floor of Iris’s shop did have him feeling a little better than he had that morning. So when he, Andrew, and Cleo got back, he was almost ready to have this […]


New Winslow S8E28

Noah was walking on the New Winslow town common. It was cool out here, almost autumn-like. A relief from the summer heat. He didn’t quite remember where he was going, but the details of the common were so bright and so real that it instantly reminded him that this was a dream. So Iris’s plan […]


New Winslow S8E27

It was late, and she was going back to New Winslow in the morning. So Cleo probably should be in bed by now. But instead, she was sitting in her kitchen with a bowl of cereal in front of her, lost in thought until soft footsteps padded down the hallway toward the doorway. “Cleo?” Edie […]


New Winslow S8E26

This shift had been excruciating, even if Noah had spent most of it driving delivery. The upside was that it meant he didn’t have to worry about the humiliation of being in the House of Pizza with Charlie and Celine after blowing it so badly the other night. But it did mean hours alone with […]


New Winslow S8E25

“Hey, Iris?” Andrew had been sweeping the floor when the thought occurred to him. And he was actually somewhat shocked he hadn’t thought of it earlier. Iris looked up from what she was doing. “Yeah?” “We’re going to put Billy McBride to rest, yeah?” “Yeah.” “How are we going to do that, exactly?” Iris looked […]


New Winslow S8E24

Charles Baxter hadn’t been into the New Winslow General Store in days, which was completely unlike him. So Tara Stevenson was actually fairly relieved to see him when he walked in the front door mid-afternoon. He’d looked stressed and sick for months now, but she truly wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him look as bad […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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