
New Winslow S1E14

Mia was finally in bed, and Olivia had just sat down with a book and a mug of tea when her phone buzzed. The only person who would be texting her this late was Noah. So she was about to text him back and tell him to get some goddamn sleep when she realized the […]


New Winslow S1E13

Noah had been working since ten that morning, so he was grateful for the chance to sit down for a few minutes. He and Olivia were in a booth by the bar, eating a quick late lunch before it was time to get moving for the dinner service. There were a few people sitting at […]


New Winslow S1E12

Roman had always loved to cook. So when the opportunity to buy New Winslow House of Pizza had come around, he and Celine had discussed it, looked over their finances, and decided to take the plunge. Now it was the primary pizza place in the small town and Roman was very proud of that fact. […]


New Winslow S1E11

Cleo shivered as she walked down the sidewalk toward her apartment. She’d just left Starbucks and knew she should call Olivia or text her or something, but decided to wait. She wasn’t entirely sure why she was so hesitant to talk to Olivia. They’d been best friends their entire childhood, and she was still Cleo’s […]


New Winslow S1E10

The New Winslow Public Library was always quiet, no matter the day or time. Iris stood by the reference desk, absently tapping her foot as she gazed around the small building. “All right there, Iris?” asked Ruby, an eighty-year-old volunteer who had been shelving books at the library for as long as Iris could remember. […]


New Winslow S1E9

Three hours later, Cleo was sitting in a busy downtown Starbucks. She sipped her coffee as the shop bustled around her. Students and tourists waited in a long, snaking line that then became a mass of bodies crowded around the bar. Something played on the ceiling speakers, an upbeat pop song she could barely hear […]


New Winslow S1E8

One advantage of living in a small town was that during the week, Iris could always get a table at the New Winslow General Store. On weekends, the deli counter was slammed and all the tables full, but today she was almost alone in the store. She had just picked up a new potential haunting […]


New Winslow S1E7

Soft flute music played over the speakers at Forest Charms. It was late morning and Iris stood behind the wooden counter, surveying her shop as a couple of customers browsed the shelves. The shoppers seemed pretty well occupied and had already said they didn’t need any help. So Iris turned away from them and looked […]


New Winslow S1E6

Noah sat in his living room, sipping whiskey and listening to music. He’d worked the lunch shift at Keegan’s after doing some odd jobs for a couple of the ladies down at the general store this morning. Now he was sore, tired, and perfectly content to sit alone in his apartment. The living room was […]


New Winslow S1E5

“Eat in penne alfredo up! Two large breadsticks for delivery! Charlie, delivery is all set!” It was the very beginning of the dinner rush at New Winslow House of Pizza. Roman was on the grill, tossing up orders and restocking before things got busy. Charlie picked up two large boxes of fragrant breadsticks, sliding them […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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