
New Winslow S2E35

Olivia gradually woke up to the sound of singing in her room. It was a masculine voice, pulling her back to consciousness with a scratchy melody. “Noah, I swear to God…” she murmured, turning to glare at Noah. Who was still asleep beside her, snoring softly. But the voice was still singing and she gradually […]


New Winslow S2E34

Olivia was making tacos tonight. She browned the beef, breaking it down in her cast-iron skillet over the stove as the radio played. The station was a little staticky, but not bad enough to be worth going over and changing it. Plus it was Sinatra Hour, so the static added some charm. She heard Mia […]


New Winslow S2E33

The phone rang behind the bar as Noah was carrying out a rack of clean glasses. He set it down and picked up the receiver. “Keegan’s Pub, this is Noah speaking,” he greeted. “How can I help you?” “Is Charlie there?” The speaker was a woman. She sounded scared or like she was in pain. […]


New Winslow S2E32

The basement was a mess. While Olivia’s storage unit was as neatly organized as it could get, Noah’s was still filled with basement detritus from one he’d bought the house. He had been planning to clear it up for a year now, but hadn’t actually gotten to it. But now was as good a time […]


New Winslow S2E31

It was freezing at the town line and Iris adjusted her scarf as she stood outside her car at the side of the road. The sun had been down for a couple hours now and after a little while of preparation at the store, they were now an hour into attempting to get Andrew over […]


New Winslow S2E30

Roman walked into Keegan’s and brushed the snow off of his coat. It was really not much more than a flurry, but they’d probably be getting more tonight. The place was pretty empty. He could see someone sitting in a booth, their back to him, but that seemed to be it for customers. Then he […]


New Winslow S2E29

Olivia hummed softly as she puttered around the kitchen. Mia was still sleeping in her room, Andrew was still sleeping on the couch, and she was enjoying the quiet start to the day. She took a sip of her coffee and looked out the window into the backyard. Somebody was standing by the stone wall. […]


New Winslow S2E28

Cleo’s phone was ringing. She shot awake instantly, pulling out of a foggy dream involving waves. Edie muttered something from the other bed, but didn’t wake up. “Hello?” Cleo mumbled into the phone. “Hi, Cleo, did I wake you?” Jenna. Why was Jenna calling? Cleo glanced at the hotel clock. Ten fifteen. “Hmm, no, no, […]


New Winslow S2E27

Olivia pulled up in the driveway behind Noah’s truck and shut off the car. Mia was awake and babbling in the backseat, telling her stuffed rabbit an elaborate story. Olivia turned and smiled at her. “Ready to go inside, little one?” Mia squealed and threw her bunny on the seat. Olivia laughed and got out […]


New Winslow S2E26

Andrew was sitting in Olivia’s car, putting off going inside. After the scare yesterday, he was exhausted and jittery at the idea of going back. They’d been fine for a little while after Noah left. The pizza had arrived, and Andrew and Olivia had both eaten some. Even Mia had tried a little. She’d loved […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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