
New Winslow S3E19

“Thank you again, Iris. You’re saving me hours of aggravation right now.” Iris looked up from the spray bottle she was capping off as Celine walked back out to the dining room. She shrugged a little. “No problem,” she said. “It’s my job.” “Still, I appreciate it,” Celine said. “I was planning to do energy […]


New Winslow S3E18

Olivia stood in line at the New Winslow House of Pizza, wondering if this was a mistake. It was one thing to talk ghosts when neither of them were working and both in a neutral place. It was an entirely different thing when she was invading Celine’s workplace. Not to talk right now, she tried […]


New Winslow S3E17

“How is it going?” Iris looked up from her notes to see Missy coming into the parlor with a sweating pitcher of water. She set down her pen on the side table as Missy picked up Iris’s empty glass and refilled it. “Thank you,” Iris said, taking the water gratefully. Though the shades and the […]


New Winslow S3E16

It was Hugh’s third week at Keegan’s and already things were running more smoothly than they had in months. Olivia knew she should feel some sort of conflict about this, like maybe she’s being disloyal to Noah by being so enthusiastic about Hugh. But honestly, Hugh was a huge upgrade. He was sober, nice to […]


New Winslow S3E15

The plants were dying in their containers. Noah had picked them up at the hardware store a couple days earlier as a kind of peace offering for Olivia. She’d mentioned a while back that it might be nice to have a garden one of these summers. But after one attempt at lifting a shovel to […]


New Winslow S3E14

There was something in the shop this time. Celine could feel it the second she stepped through the door, a sharp, piercing feeling in the air. The work area was still overheated from the oven, but there was a chill in the room that seemed to cut into her soul. This wasn’t Roman copping an […]


New Winslow S3E13

Cleo knocked on her mother’s door, two short, efficient raps. Then, without waiting for a response, she turned the knob and stepped inside. “Hi Mom!” she called as she stepped into the tiny mobile home. “Who’s there?” her mother called from the living room. Cleo stopped with one shoe half-off, her moderately good mood already […]


New Winslow S3E12

Olivia had always found it funny to set the same cheesy nineties country song on the jukebox every Friday night. She’d done it for years and despite the confused and irritated looks she’d see across Noah’s face when the first chords started, she had never told him it was her. And he’d never figured it […]


New Winslow S3E11

“So what time should I expect you tonight?” Edie sounded happy and rested in stark contrast to the tension headache and borderline panic currently coursing through Cleo. Cleo shifted her phone to the other ear as she picked up her delivery bag and set it in her car’s passenger seat. “I’m not sure I can […]


New Winslow S3E10

“Hey, Roman?” Iris’s voice pulled Roman out of the giant tome of ancient curses he’d been absorbed in. He blinked, trying to get his eyes to focus on her in the dark as she stood in the doorway of the shop. “Iris,” Roman greeted. “Hey, sorry, I’ll just be a few more minutes.” Iris nodded, […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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