
New Winslow S3E39

Minnie was dying. This had become increasingly obvious to Roman over the past week or so. Everything about her was slowing down. She moved slower, she talked slower. She was still coherent, but slept for much longer periods of time and only nibbled at the pizzas Roman brought. But there was still no sign of […]


New Winslow S3E38

Olivia had to work that afternoon. At three o’clock, she walked into Keegan’s in a daze. It was stupid, but she half expected Noah to be there when she walked in, setting up the bar with an easy smile and some crack about her work ethic. Which, considering she’d dropped him off at the Central […]


New Winslow S3E37

Olivia woke up to a knocking at her front door. Her head burned and her stomach lurched as she sat up in bed, looking around for the source of the sound before she even realized what was happening. She stood up and walked out into the living room, finding it empty. Andrew must have eventually […]


New Winslow S3E36

Noah was in the woods. There was a storm rolling in, and the air was heavy and cool. He knew on some level that this didn’t make much sense since it was September, not March. But the springlike air felt good on his skin as he walked down the path. It was quiet as he […]


New Winslow S3E35

A little while later, Andrew found himself dozing through the movie Cleo and Olivia had picked out, some raunchy superhero movie he was pretty sure he’d seen before. He could hear the two of them laughing throughout the movie, the sound comforting even as it pulled him awake again. “Hey, Noah,” Cleo said at one […]


New Winslow S3E34

The next night, Andrew was sitting alone on the front step, watching the sunset. Cleo was back again tonight after driving a delivery shift in Worcester, and they’d just had a quiet dinner at Olivia’s. Andrew understood that Cleo was distressed about her mother and overwhelmed in general right now, but he was starting to […]


New Winslow S3E33

“Mom!” Cleo came out of the bathroom just as the smoke alarm started blaring directly above her. Thin, hazy smoke clung to the ceiling of her mother’s house, and she waved it away as best she could as she reached up to shut off the alarm. Where was the smoke coming from? And how had […]


New Winslow S3E32

When was the last time Cleo had actually touched her guitar? She was sitting alone on the couch in her apartment, sipping her third glass of wine as the thought occurred to her. Not just “when did she last write a song?” or “when was her last gig?” But when was the last time she […]


New Winslow S3E31

Minnie’s niece had been over frequently in the past few weeks. Every time Roman was at her house, Janet was there too. Janet was a home care nurse, a little brash, but always gentle and caring with her aunt. Roman helped as much as Minnie would allow, moving her from bed to chair or making […]


New Winslow S3E30

“So she’s definitely gone?” Missy asked. Iris nodded. “Or at least, she says she’ll be leaving,” she said. “It was that painting you have up in that hallway, the landscape with the horses?” “Oh, that old thing,” Missy muttered. Anna looked at her with a half-amused, half-annoyed expression that still shimmered with affection. Then she […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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