
New Winslow S4E31

It was freezing outside as Noah got to Keegan’s the next afternoon. The wind made his hands raw, and he realized maybe Olivia had a point when she stored hand lotion in her glove compartment. Not that Noah had bothered bringing his truck to work today. He’d left the house thinking, how cold could it […]


New Winslow S4E30

Keegan’s was too loud. The energy of the place used to boost his own energy when he was working, but right now Noah just felt like it was crushing him. He was standing just outside the door, checking IDs as people walked in. Another new measure of Bret’s apparently. Olivia had told him they weren’t […]


New Winslow S4E29

Iris breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped into The Countess and saw no sign of Vivien in the sitting room. It had been six days since their disastrous attempt to connect with Billy McBride. Not only had she spent two hours cleansing the area of all the spirits and spiritual residue Vivien had […]


New Winslow S4E28

Noah had been to plenty of meetings in rehab. Once a day minimum. He’d gotten comfortable talking at them eventually, sharing his stories among sympathetic peers. There had been a safety there, and a solidarity among the newly sober that had made him feel like he belonged. And he’d kept it up now that he […]


New Winslow S4E27

“Want to walk with me?” Olivia was stepping out the front door when she’d heard Noah making his way down the stairs. They were both scheduled to work the day shift today, but she’d been leaving a little early to get some work done before her shift began. Still, she wasn’t surprised to see him […]


New Winslow S4E26

Noah walked into Keegan’s, feeling more hesitant about this than anything else he’d done since he came home from rehab. He was meeting with Olivia to discuss him coming back to work. She’d offered him a part-time position and he was honestly stunned that she would even consider it. But he was heading toward broke […]


New Winslow S4E25

When Cleo had been in music school, she’d always struggled with lyrics over melodies. A lot of times, she would have a full melody finished before she’d even started considering lyrics. Her professors had been patient with her, but a few had made some pointed comments that if she wanted to focus on songwriting, she […]


New Winslow S4E24

Andrew shifted the stack of books in his arms as he tried the doorknob of Iris’s shop again. And again, it stayed locked. Did he have the wrong night? No, he’d written it down in his planner. Iris, six pm. They were supposed to try yet another energy directing technique that he was pretty sure […]


New Winslow S4E23

“You know you were going about it all wrong, right?” Once again, Iris was trying to work. And once again, Vivien was made a dramatic entrance as she slipped in the door of the sitting room. Iris looked up from the Harbinger, which she was reading for a third time in hopes of even of […]


New Winslow S4E22

Cleo meant to be writing a song, but instead she was sitting on the living room sofa with her guitar in her lap, staring blankly out the window. Instead of the busy city street she was used to, she could see the small parking lot of Edie’s building, then a scattering of trees. Not quite […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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