
New Winslow S6E12

“Are you feeling up to talking?” Roman wasn’t sure he was, but it also didn’t seem like the type of conversation Celine had in mind was one that he wanted to skip. She looked solemn in a way that she either hadn’t (or had done a great job of hiding) since he’d first woken up […]


New Winslow S6E11

“So?” Cleo looked around the space again, taking it in. “It’s… wow.” Andrew turned to her, his brow furrowed. “Good wow or bad wow?” “Good,” she said quickly. “No, good wow. It’s just… Wow.” It was a few days later, and they were standing in the front dining area of the Limerick. This was Cleo’s […]


New Winslow S6E10

When Noah had said he needed a new job, he hadn’t expected it to be the House of Pizza. He couldn’t cook. Like, at all. The others refused to let him in the kitchen if they were cooking anything more complicated than chicken breast. He wasn’t allowed to touch the oven for anything more complicated […]


New Winslow S6E9

Olivia’s knuckles were bleeding. She kept her little container of moisturizer in her glove compartment, but that was so far away from the bathroom she was scrubbing right now. Okay, it was in the parking lot out back. But she’d have to get out of this bathroom, past the broken table that had fallen apart […]


New Winslow S6E8

Roman woke up to the sound of his hospital room door sliding open. The sunlight streaming in the window was somewhat dimmed now, though he had no idea what time it was. But as he sat up, he saw Noah walking into the room, ducking slightly as he came through the doorway. “Sorry,” Noah half-whispered, […]


New Winslow S6E7

Time passed in a haze for Roman. He wasn’t sure exactly how long he’d been in the hospital and it seemed to be a blur of sleeping, examinations, and constant people coming into the room. Doctors, nurses, therapists, even a chaplain. He was polite to everyone, he was honestly too tired to attempt to be […]


New Winslow S6E6

Cleo hadn’t expected her first time back in Boston in months to be so anticlimactic. She wasn’t doing anything beyond working while she was here. She wasn’t going to sit in any of these restaurants with her friends and enjoy a meal in the warm glow of the fireplaces and intricate light fixtures. No, she […]


New Winslow S6E5

Noah had been right about the masks. Later that afternoon, Olivia was alone at the Limerick while the other two were at their other jobs. She’d decided to try to finish the small kitchen today and the sheer amount of dust in the space was becoming painful. Eyes watering, Olivia finally relented and walked back […]


New Winslow S6E4

Iris had never considered herself an expert researcher, but she knew her way around resources. She was only a decade out of college, where she’d done plenty of research papers. And she had to study for each of her cases, usually with a lot of success. But absolutely nothing could tell her about the missing […]


New Winslow S6E3

The first thing Olivia did when she was alone in the dining room of the Limerick building was to hang up all the charms she’d spent a little too much money on over the past week. She’d had to find a magic shop outside of New Winslow (not Iris, she was never going to Iris […]

3d book display image of The Vanishing House

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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