
New Winslow S6E22

Despite the fact that the internet in Iris’s shop was better than pretty much anywhere else in New Winslow that wasn’t directly downtown, it still dragged sometimes. But it was strong enough that after a sputtering start, the video chat program opened and she could see Roman’s face come into view. “Roman!” she exclaimed, as […]


New Winslow S6E21

The automatic doors slid open, causing Roman to jump backward in the empty doorway. Celine looked at him and he tried not to let himself feel embarrassed. It was an automatic door. There had been automatic doors in grocery stores twenty years ago, right? Of course there were, they’d been around for nearly a century. […]


New Winslow S6E20

“Mia, sweetheart, no. Stay away from that.” Olivia was alone at the Limerick. Well, except for Mia, who she’d had to bring with her again. There was too much to do for her to skip today, even with opening day still weeks out. When to open had been the subject of a bit of heated […]


New Winslow S6E19

Last time Iris had attempted to speak to Rosalind Alderidge, it had gone horribly wrong. Which was exactly why she wasn’t telling Andrew what she was doing tonight. Not that he’d asked. He was a little distracted this week, with so much in the works to reopen the cafe in the Limerick Building. Andrew owned […]


New Winslow S6E18

It wasn’t like Roman didn’t know what was going to happen next. He wasn’t leaving the hospital to go finish recuperating in his own bed, with his kids and his wife right there. He wasn’t going to then recover and go back to his job. Instead, Celine was driving him to The Countess, the creepy […]


New Winslow S6E17

Cleo hadn’t planned to spend the night in New Winslow. When she left her mother’s house, she’d known she couldn’t leave right away. But she also knew her dad had things under control. So she’d just stay until that uneasy feeling faded, then go home to Edie. But that wasn’t how things ended up happening. […]


New Winslow S6E16

Olivia was still shaking by the time she got home from Town Hall. All she’d wanted to do was get the permitting paperwork she hadn’t been able to print at home. She hadn’t even wanted to do it with Mia, especially when Mia needed supper and a nap. But it had to get done. So […]


New Winslow S6E15

If the missing Harbinger pages were in Town Hall, Iris needed to find them fast. But her determination was thrown off when the first thing she saw as she walked into the building was Olivia Walker and her daughter. They were standing by the clerk’s office and didn’t notice Iris as the front door closed […]


New Winslow S6E14

Olivia was already making breakfast when Andrew staggered out of his bedroom around six in the morning. He followed the scent of coffee and pancakes into the kitchen, where her back was to him as she dropped batter onto the griddle. “Morning!” he called. Liv let out a tiny shriek and spun around, the pancake […]


New Winslow S6E13

“Hi, Iris.” Celine Beckett’s voice was so quiet that Iris almost didn’t hear her as she was counting inventory at the far end of Forest Charms. But then she turned around from the shelf she was stocking and Celine was standing almost close enough to touch. Iris jumped, gasped, and nearly knocked down the jewelry […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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