
New Winslow S6E52

Roman had never been to an AA meeting outside of New Winslow. But despite his nerves, the group in Petersham had been a good one. Noah went with him and between his presence and the familiar setup of the meeting, Roman had almost felt comfortable enough to talk. Not quite, but he was almost there. […]


New Winslow S6E51

“I’m home!” The next morning, Cleo walked into her apartment after a surprisingly good night with her mother. She closed the door behind herself, locking it both at the deadbolt and chain. Then she turned to see Edie coming toward her. They took her in a tight hug that seemed more for their benefit than […]


New Winslow S6E50

When Cleo got to her mother’s house the next afternoon, everything in her screamed that she needed to leave New Winslow now. She knew it wasn’t some kind of psychic intention or spiritual anything. It was the fight she’d had with Liv, Edie’s close call, the clear knowledge of her own chances of getting stuck […]


New Winslow S6E49

“Have you ever noticed that whenever you hide, you try to pretend you’re actually doing inventory?” Noah’s voice interrupted Olivia’s spiraling thoughts as she sat on the floor between the furniture pallets with her clipboard limply in her hand. “Hey,” she said dully. “Hey.” Of course it would be Noah that found her like this. […]


New Winslow S6E48

Just like Andrew and Noah had instructed, Cleo had spent as little time in New Winslow as possible over the past few days. But she really wanted to talk to Liv about it. Maybe it was yet another justification for spending extra time in town, even if she truly didn’t want to be here. But […]


New Winslow S6E47

Olivia’s hands were completely covered in dough. So of course that was when her phone was going to ring. “Shit,” she muttered, despite the fact that Mia’s all-too-keen ears were only on the other side of the counter at the Limerick. She wiped her hands as well as she could on a towel, then fished […]


New Winslow S6E46

Iris had said it was strange out here, but Andrew hadn’t realized exactly how strange it was. He’d wanted to see the space for himself, but the idea of going into the woods of New Winslow was entirely unappealing, even if it was to get a bit more context about the curse’s origin. However, here […]


New Winslow S6E45

The movie was horrible. Watching with Noah was nice, though. After his initial skepticism and a few half-hearted attempts to start working again, he’d settled in to watch it with her. It was a stupid, gory mess with one revolting jump scare that sent them both scrambling on the couch. “Haven’t you watched this before?” […]


New Winslow S6E44

Tara ended up being a little later than she’d anticipated. By the time she came flying in the door with profuse, unnecessary, apologies, Cleo’s mother was already in her pajamas with a movie on. Cleo considered going straight home, but the temptation of Liv’s cookies and the idea of seeing her friends for a few […]


New Winslow S6E43

Cleo knew that an emotionally mature and healthy person would have the discussion now, rather than wait for things to blow up. But at the same time, what good was it going to do? Edie knew that Cleo had repeatedly stressed the dangers of New Winslow, even if she’d been risking it for herself for […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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