
New Winslow S7E15

Iris half loved, half hated being the one to deliver the news to Vivien. Not that she necessarily had to say anything, even after she’d spent the car ride over thinking about how she would do it. The second she arrived at the Countess, she spotted Vivien in the gardens behind the building, strolling through […]


New Winslow S7E14

Two hours later, Celine and Noah were setting up in Olivia’s living room. Noah wasn’t sure how to feel about this plan. Vivien’s attempts to undo whatever the hell she’d done to him had left him feeling vaguely itchy throughout his body, like it didn’t fit quite right. But none of his supposed memories had […]


New Winslow S7E13

Vivien looked elegantly skeptical as she assessed Noah, who was sitting across from her at a small table in one of the many parlors off of the Countess’s main foyer. Noah, on the other hand, looked politely confused as Vivien stared him down. Olivia knew it ultimately had to be his decision to try to […]


New Winslow S7E12

Missy was working at the front desk of the Countess when Iris walked into the blissfully cool main foyer. “Iris, hey!” Missy said with a broad smile. “Is Vivien here?” Missy’s smile faded. “I really can’t give out that information, Iris,” she said. “What’s going on?” “She hurt my friend,” Iris said. “And she needs […]


New Winslow S7E11

Throwing up wouldn’t help anyone. And besides, Andrew hadn’t eaten enough to have anything in the tank for vomiting anyway. As he walked into Iris’s shop, there was an elderly woman at the register, apparently digging for coins as Iris waited patiently. She turned and saw him. “Three dollars is nothing,” she said to the […]


New Winslow S7E10

Noah was out in the backyard when Celine arrived. Olivia let her in and she looked around at them all. “Protections are still really strong in here,” she said to Andrew, who was sitting with Mia on the couch, trying to seem enthused about the book they were reading together. Andrew nodded to her. “Thanks.” […]


New Winslow S7E9

Andrew looked so good and so present and God, Noah didn’t know if he wanted to kiss him or not. He did, however, want to yell at him and couldn’t see any real reason not to do so as they stood in this somewhat familiar kitchen, looking at each other. “Five years!” he snapped. “Five […]


New Winslow S7E8

Dr. Degas was at the reception desk when they got to the clinic, waiting alongside her confused assistant. “Noah,” Dr. Degas said gently. “Thank God, we were all getting worried.” He looked at Olivia, confused. But she just patted him on the shoulder. “Go with her,” she said. “She’s just going to check you over.” […]


New Winslow S7E7

“It’s really hot out,” Olivia said. “Can you at least come in and have some water before you start planting all of those? Maybe eat something. Are you hungry?” Noah looked from the nursery’s worth of plants in his truck bed and on the ground beside it, then back to her. He shot a wary […]


New Winslow S7E6

Fruit trees required a mate, right? If there was one, then there had to be another. Otherwise, they weren’t able to pollinate. So if he got one tree, there wouldn’t be any fruit. But if he got two, there wouldn’t be any room left in the yard for anything else. Maybe fruit trees weren’t the […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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