
New Winslow S7E25

The Fitchburg apartment was mostly packed up by now. So Cleo had been busy tackling the storage unit she’d put most of her furniture in when she’d moved here. She still had some time left on the lease for it, but if it wasn’t necessary to hang onto much longer, then she wanted to shave […]


New Winslow S7E24

Noah waited as the phone rang, glancing over at Andrew, who was sitting over on his sofa for moral support. It rang three times, and he was tempted to hang up before it hit voicemail. “Miranda Kelly’s phone,” said a young female voice. “How can I help you?” “Hi,” Noah said. “Um, this is Miranda’s […]


New Winslow S7E23

Noah braced himself as he walked into the Limerick. The shattering glass and the continued demand for home from the spirit still rattled him, but he might have been even more nervous about the anger he was about to face. Deserved anger, yes. But still. However, as he walked into the Limerick, Olivia didn’t come […]


New Winslow S7E22

Iris’s shop was the second to last place Noah wanted to be right now. But the other option she’d mentioned was the absolute last place he wanted to go. At first, Iris had asked him to drive to the Countess with her. If Billy McBride was still connected to him somehow – and apparently the […]


New Winslow S7E21

Olivia was opening the Limerick when the raspy ringing of the back bell jolted her. She’d been here alone for about ten minutes by this point, watching blankly as the coffee carafe filled. Andrew was still asleep upstairs, and she hadn’t seen Noah at all since last night when he’d gone to bed early. She […]


New Winslow S7E20

Cleo’s mother had moved into Oakmont Residencies’ memory care program in Watertown the day before. Once Cleo helped her move her things in, she’d wanted to give her the rest of the day to settle in and spend some time there on her own. It was going to be a difficult transition, Cleo knew that. […]


New Winslow S7E19

An hour later they were lying quietly under the blankets on Andrew’s bed, clothes tossed on the floor beside them and no sound except for the rain now coming down outside. Noah was dozing, an arm draped over Andrew, who was lying on his side, gazing out the window. The fire escape was old and […]


New Winslow S7E18

This was his home, but Andrew still felt strange being in the Limerick building and not working while the shop was open. His shift was over, he’d opened it this morning, after spending a reluctant, but probably necessary night here alone in the building. He’d opened to silence at first, but gradually people started trickling […]


New Winslow S7E17

Noah had been out in the parking lot for a while now. The Limerick was quiet today, probably because they’d been closed for three days in a row and people didn’t know if they were open or not. Olivia tried not to stress herself out with that, though. They’d only been open for a little […]


New Winslow S7E16

“Do you think Noah would be up for trying to contact Billy today?” Andrew looked at Iris, unable to even think of a polite answer to that. But apparently the disapproving stare was enough, because she wilted slightly as he continued to look at her in silence. “It’s been about eighteen hours,” he finally said. […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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