Author: Amanda


New Winslow S7E55

The kid was gone again, and the silence was getting more and more frustrating. Maybe it was because Noah could remember so specifically how it felt to drown, how it felt to be in Billy McBride’s skin as he boarded his ship and dreamed of going home. But the idea that he just wasn’t answering […]


New Winslow S7E54

Roman had expected Jamie to be mad about having to leave New Winslow for a little while. Or maybe scared. After all, he was old enough to understand that someone with a lot more power than them had threatened him and his siblings. And he was angry about that, Roman could see it in how […]


New Winslow S7E53

After all the time she’d spent on it, the album’s release was anticlimactic. Cleo hadn’t made any major plans for it. She should have scheduled a release party of some kind, maybe put on a local show with The Blossom Step. Or at the very least, sent out a press release. Instead, she’d done some […]


New Winslow S7E52

Cleo didn’t want to be at the apartment when Edie left for the tour. So instead, she was at her mother’s suite at Oakmont Residencies, watching a movie together as the rain came down outside. “Edie’s leaving on tour,” Cleo said during a lull in the action. “So I’ll have the apartment to myself for […]


New Winslow S7E51

Iris was eager to get started as soon as Andrew and Noah explained what was going on. Andrew felt better in here, surrounded by magic and sturdy locks. Iris was a professional after all, her setup made this shop nearly airtight when she wanted it to be. And if Noah said he was ready to […]


New Winslow S7E50

“I’ll get it!” It was a scorching afternoon about ten days later. Andrew swung around the corner toward the phone ringing on the wall of the Limerick’s back room, hearing Liv call thanks behind him as she scrubbed the final spills of the day off the counter. He picked up. “Thanks for calling The Limerick, […]


New Winslow S7E49

Judith Perez could not believe she was stuck not only working with Iris Davies, but trusting her as well. She hung up the phone in her office and debated whether or not she should have bitched Iris out instead of just telling her thank you for the information. The pages still existed. Maybe. A ghost […]


New Winslow S7E48

Roman loved his in-laws, he really did. And he’d been over their house in Boxborough since getting out of New Winslow, so it wasn’t like it would be a shock if he showed up with Celine and the kids this time. But Celine was dropping them all off for an overnight with the grandparents, where […]


New Winslow S7E47

She was in a study. The room was small and dim, with slants of sunlight coming through the curtains ajar over the windows. Dust motes danced in the beams as Iris stood in the doorway to the room, looking around. The walls were lined with bookshelves, all of them stuffed with old, worn books. There […]


New Winslow S7E46

Andrew’s phone rang as he was debating advertising options on social media and drinking yet another glass of orange juice to try and ease the hangover from last night’s sleepover with Cleo. The sound made him cringe as he looked over and saw Iris’s name on the screen. “Hey, Iris,” he greeted as he answered, […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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