Author: Amanda


New Winslow S4E11

With everything going on, Iris woke up a few mornings later and realized she was just about due to renew her business license in New Winslow. As much as she hated the idea of being around Town Hall right now, knowing what she knew, she couldn’t afford to draw attention to herself by having an […]


New Winslow S4E10

“Hey.” Hugh stopped in the doorway of Keegan’s back room and looked over at Olivia. The smile that he flashed made her knees weak, and she was tempted to just follow him wherever he was headed. But that was the problem. “Listen,” she started. His smile faded. “I think I know where this is going.” […]


New Winslow S4E9

Alicia Perez wasn’t at the desk when Iris walked into the New Winslow Public Library the next morning. With a silent sigh of relief, Iris ducked past the desk and went straight over to the local history alcove. She could see Ruby, the elderly volunteer, shelving books at the far end of the room. And […]


New Winslow S4E8

Another evening, another research session at The Countess. The late October air was beyond crisp and into cold as Iris arrived. She’d been seeing snow in her dreams the past few nights and now, looking up at the clouds hanging heavy in the sky above her, it seemed like the visions might be more significant […]


New Winslow S4E7

“So.” Iris wasn’t quite sure what she intended to follow that greeting with, but the woman from the other day didn’t seem to mind as she turned slowly in Iris’s direction. “Oh, hi,” she said, her voice warm and cheery. “Hi,” Iris replied quickly. “So you said you’ve talked to Evelyn Harbinger?” The woman shrugged. […]


New Winslow S4E6

Celine wasn’t expecting him home for a while and he wasn’t in the mood to carry on with their fight, so Roman just wandered through downtown New Winslow for a little while. He walked through the old cemetery, weaving through the graves. This was one of those cemeteries that seemed to be as old as […]


New Winslow S4E5

“Hey.” Roman looked up as Celine walked out the back door. “Oh, hey.” “I made onion dip. Want some?” “I’m good.” “Gonna grill burgers later when Jamie gets home from hockey.” “Thanks.” Celine sat down beside him on the steps. “Doesn’t take a psychic to know what’s wrong,” she said. He laughed, a short huff […]


New Winslow S4E4

Cleo was a little disappointed that Olivia was working tonight, but she had to admit it was nice to get a little time for just her and Andrew. Olivia’s mother had Mia, so it was just the two of them as they sat down for dinner in Andrew and Olivia’s kitchen. She cringed a little […]


New Winslow S4E3

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know anyone was in here.” Iris had left the Countess’s sitting room just long enough to get some water. And in that time, someone else had sat down in her chair. The surprise at this was tinged with frustration, since she’d very clearly left four books, her laptop, and her […]


New Winslow S4E2

The shrill sound of the phone ringing pulled Olivia out of the light cat nap she was taking on the couch as Mia watched a movie. She’d been up since three that morning, when she’d opened her eyes to see a gauzy figure in her bedroom, standing over her side of the bed. The figure, […]

3d book display image of The Vanishing House

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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