Author: Amanda


New Winslow S7E45

The next morning, Cleo was still a little hungover as she pulled into what she hoped was a legal parking space outside of her building in Brighton. She turned off her car and hesitated before opening the door. Now that she was actually here, she didn’t want to go inside and face Edie. It was […]


New Winslow S7E44

Later that night, Andrew and Cleo were sitting on his squashy, comfortable couch in the privacy of the Limerick’s upstairs flat. Work had been busy that day, but it still seemed to him to crawl by. Cleo had gone to see her mother in the afternoon and Andrew had half-expected her to resolve things with […]


New Winslow S7E43

Phone service sucked everywhere in New Winslow, but it was slightly better downtown than it was up by Liv and Noah’s house. So, while standing out behind the Limerick while waiting for Edie to pick up their phone was going to suck, it beat trying to hang onto the call and have this conversation expecting […]


New Winslow S7E42

When they got back to Olivia’s house, Noah and Mia were both asleep on the sofa. She was curled up on top of him, his arm protectively over her. Neither moved when the others came into the dim living room, which was lit only with a small string of colorful lights draped over the bookshelf. […]


New Winslow S7E41

By the time they closed the Limerick up that evening, Cleo was exhausted. But she knew she was far from the only one. Noah had tried to tell her to leave, that he had everything under control. But he was so shaky and green when he started working that she thought having him up front […]


New Winslow S7E40

Noah hadn’t wanted to eat the breakfast that both Roman and Liv had forced on him back at the diner, but right now he had to admit that it had helped. He was still horribly hungover, but he was up and functioning. And actually feeling a little better mentally after a long talk with Roman. […]


New Winslow S7E39

“Are you seriously going back there?” Edie demanded, standing bleary-eyed in the bedroom doorway as they watched Cleo pull on her boots. “You said you wouldn’t once your mom was out.” They looked pissed, maybe angrier than Cleo had ever seen. And she couldn’t really blame them. It was five o’clock in the morning and […]


New Winslow S7E38

He lost track of things after Andrew had pulled him to his feet, like the blood had all rushed away from his head, bringing his thoughts along with it. Noah was in bed now and Andrew was talking to him, something about finding his way home. You keep finding your way home, Andrew was saying. […]


New Winslow S7E37

It was about nine o’clock when Olivia went into the kitchen to put some water on for tea. She had to be at the Limerick around five the next morning, so she was going to drink some chamomile, then curl up in bed and read for a little while. Mia was sound asleep and had […]


New Winslow S7E36

Opening the Limerick was Liv the next day was very quiet. Noah hadn’t slept more than a few minutes the past couple nights. All he could think about whenever he closed his eyes was Vivien. He hadn’t been there and didn’t know the details, but he could imagine her body engulfed in flames as she […]

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The Northern Worcester County branch of the Foundation for Paranormal Research is one of the organization’s top investigation and cleanup teams. So when a case comes in involving a century of mysterious disappearances, they figure they’ll be done before their lunch break is supposed to end. Investigators James and Amelia go to the site while their coworkers remain behind. But in seconds, Amelia vanishes in the cursed house and the others are forced to find her with no help from their bosses. Will they be able to get her back or will the house claim one final victim?

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